Welcome to CSIMS 2024 MedLaw Tricon courses. We are pleased to welcome you to this exclusive course, where leading medical and legal experts in the fields of Workers' Compensation, Personal Injury and Traumatic Brain Injury share their insights on the latest developments in these fields.
This course includes over 40 sessions of education to enhance your competency as a medical legal evaluator or as a legal professional in workers' compensation or personal injury. Courses providing both CME and QME credits (28 hours) include:
- Artificial Intelligence the Future of Medical and Legal Practice, and Medicolegal Evaluations
- Catastrophic Injuries
- Dissecting Med-Legal Musculoskeletal Reports: The Dos and Don'ts for QMEs
- Navigating Medical and Legal Options for the Injured Patient
- Understanding Apportionment
- It's Not Just the Disc: Important Findings Unknowingly Ignored
- Anti-Bias Training for Doctors and Attorney
- Important Workers' Compensation Case Law Review
- Dissecting Med-Legal Reports: The Good the Bad, and the Ugly
- Accurately Determining and Writing Work Restrictions
- Workers' Compensation Deposition Strategies for Attorneys and Doctors
- Quarterbacking the A-list TBI Case
- Truth, Lies, and Neuropsychological Testing: What is Malingering, How it is Measured, and What Does it Mean?
- Everything You Wanted to Know About Biomarkers for TBI
- Vigil (prev. Kite) Analysis from the Psych Perspective
- TBI Sequelae: You Gotta Look For It!
- Point Counterpoint of Brain Imaging Interpretation: Neurosurgeon and Neuroradiologist Viewpoints
- Dissecting Med-Legal Psych Reports: The Do's and Don'ts for QMEs
- Medical Probability and Causation
- How NOT to Lose Your License: Ethics in Medical and Legal Practice & Marketing
- Polytrauma Cases: Workup and Diagnostics
- Addressing Critical QME Case Questions
Other courses available include:
- DWC Update from DWC Administrative Director George Parisotto & WCAB Chief Judge Paige Levy
- Winning at Deposition: Strategies for Attorneys and Doctors
- Your Ultimate TBI Toolbox: Special Bonus Guerrilla Warfare Tactics (TM) for TBI Cases
- Master's Class on Trial Tactics: How to Get a Jury to Awards Big Verdicts
Navigating Low Coverage Cases
- Presenting TBI Damages at Trial
- Tall Tales and Pearls of Wisdom from the Bench
- Unique Perspectives on PI Cases
- Defense Red Flags and How To Overcome Them
- Legal Nuances of the Complex TBI Case: Efficient Transition of Treatment and Settlement for Dual Claims
- Prepping Expert Witnesses
- Life Care Planning and Vocational Assessments in TBI: The Do's and the Don'ts!
- How TBI Affects Clients and Cases: Perspective from an Attorney with TBI
- Contractual Provider Liens: Overcoming Obstacles
- An Inside Look at the Insurance Industries' Evaluation of the PI Claim
- Biomechanics for Lawyers: How the Body Responds to External Forces
- Better Together: Navigating Personal Injury/Workers' Comp Crossover Cases
- Keynote Address from Attorney and TBI Survivor